Sunday, August 16, 2009

Some Extras

My cute little Benner growing so quickly.
Ben loves cars just as much as Jack does. I caught them with cars all over the floor and both of them having the time of their lives.
I promised Jack that one day this year we would get ice cream from the ice-cream truck. He chose this batman. He didn't eat any of it. Just put it in the freezer to look at now and again. He doesn't even like things that aren't chocolate. He must get that from his mother.
Jack and his bike.
Ben eating. I have this exact picture of Jack eating and they look exactly the same. I'll try to find it.


MStevenson said...

I bet its fun now that Ben's a bit older and he can play with is brother. So fun.

April Annie said...

Ben looks so grown up in that first picture.
My kids would have picked the the same ice cream and none of them would eat more then a couple of bites. Things like that always look better then the actually taste. Sad to discover when your a kid.

Marion said...

I'm glad we're not the only family where the kids look like they came from the exact same mold :)

Matt and Kirsten said...

Ruthie, your boys are so beautiful! in a very manly way. Save that ice cream for grandma when she comes.

Jobi Niu said...

How cute that they play together with cars n stuff.. AWww.. That is so funny that he just put that ice cream in the freezer and looks at it now and again.. ha ha ha. CUTE PICS. :]