Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ben's Blessing

Brendan did a wonderful job giving Ben his name and blessing. It was beautiful and the spirit was so strong. It was fun to have our families come all the way to Eagle Mountain and share this day with us. All of our grandparents were able to make it. It always makes it extra special to have them. Thanks to everyone for helping with lunch after. How nice it is to have a large family to help out. We sure missed Dan and Staci, Joe and Tiff and Brad, but we still love you. My boys looked so handsome. Jack was very proud of his first suit. (notice his missionary name tag) He loved to stand on the counter and just look at himself. He thought that since he had a suit he could help with the blessing. He was a little heart broken, but he got over it. (Sorry Mary Lynn for some reason I don't have a picture of you and Gene. Please send me one!)

I can't believe it has been two months. Little Ben has brought such an amazing spirit to our home. I had forgotten how sweet it is to hold such a tiny baby and love him so much. I know now how fast he will change so I better hold him close before he grows before my eyes.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Star Wars

I know Jack was a storm trooper for Halloween but he really hasn't ever seen the movie. My parents let us borrow their movie and for weeks now Jack has been begging to watch it every night. We finally gave in and had a pizza/star wars party. I think we have opened a large can of worms. What is it about Star Wars and boys? He was fascinated, to say the least. This picture was taken at the very beginning and it was the only time that He was sitting. Soon after this He grabbed his storm trooper blaster and light saber. He was officially at war with every free piece of air in our living room and soon to be the whole house. He keeps asking how the Star Wars music goes and at night we can hear him singing it in his room. I guess I better get used to this. I am a little outnumbered and I don't see any chic flicks in my future. I love my boys!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jack or Ben?

Baby Ben. Isn't He cute? I can't believe how much He looks like his brother and how fast He is growing.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


This year for Halloween I had two costumes to get together, but I lucked out. Jack and Ben are four years and one day apart, so all of Jack's costumes will fit Ben. Yea! Jack wanted to be a Storm Trooper from Star wars, which I am pretty sure it was all because of the gun that came with it. Brendan was really excited and didn't mind helping him find the perfect costume. Ben was my little giraffe, and boy did it bring back memories of four years ago. It is still so cute.

Okay, so I am really bad at this.

I will try this again, and try to stay on top of it. I have to keep this up because Dan and Staci are moving to Boston and this is their only link to our lives. The last few months have been crazy! As of September 25 I have children. Little Benjamin Brendan is finally here. Yea! My cozy little world has been rocked yet again. I love it! He is such a good little baby and he deals with Jack really well. He was 2 pounds smaller than Jack at 6 pounds 12 ounces. Ben is 6 weeks old now, but still pretty tiny. He has my brother's bodies. Long and skinny. Jack is such a wonderful helper. (at times a little too wonderful) The jealousy issues haven't come into play, yet. It will be interesting to see what the next few months bring. I really hope I can keep this up. If I don't you all need to get on my back about it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We are here... We are here... We are here...

Okay, so I know I started a blog back in January, but when I finally got around to updating it in July they wouldn't accept my password or my email. So here we are with a brand new blog. I had three people send me their blogs yesturday and I had nothing to send them. It gave me the push I needed to get mine up and going.
We just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. I can't believe how fast and wonderful it has been. I guess time flies when you are having fun. Brendan graduated in 2006 with a degree in computer science and he now works for IM Flash Tech. He loves it, and I love having him home at night. We have one little boy named Jack who was born on Sept. 24, 2004. He looks just like his dad, which I love, but he did get my blonde hair. He acts like me too (just because he never stops talking). He is seriously the funniest person I know. I laugh all day long, sometimes I have to laugh or I will start crying. I get to be a stay at home mom. This is my dream job. It is the hardest job in the world, but I can't imagine not knowing every little thing that happens in his life.
We are finally expecting baby #2. Another Boy is due in Sept.. I am feeling a little out numbered, but Jack is so fun that I can't wait to do it for the second time around. I will now try and see if I can put some pictures on here. We love you all!!!!