Monday, August 9, 2010

Catch Up For The Last Few Months!

Jack graduated from preschool on may 21st. This is Teacher Jenny and Jack absolutely loves her. I cried when I saw him say goodbye to her. It has been a great two years and Jack has learned a ton. He is was a good little student and never once had to sit in time out! You better believe I already have Ben signed up to start in 2 years. She is so good that his class is almost full!
Way to go Jack, we are so proud of you. That is Kinsey, his first girlfriend, behind him.
He knew every action and he did them proudly!

Easter 2010

Ben is the funniest stinkin kid I have ever known. He knew he looked cute so he was posing up a storm. He left the hat on for most of the day.
Two Cutie Patooties!
Ben at Grandma Elggrens.
Don't they look handsome. Jack is in that awkward stage where you think a smile needs to look as fake as possible. I think it's funny, because these fake smiles are no way near what his real smile looks like.
Looking for eggs at Grandma Elggren's
Another one of those fake smiles :)
The boys Easter Morning. They looked so handsome.
Valentines day baskets to my boys from Mommy. I love how Ben has a piece of candy in his mouth. They were so excited. I actually bought twinkies that they are always wanting me to buy, but I refuse to.
Ben and Jack at the Aquarium in Sandy. They both loved it! Ben liked the Sharks and Jack loved the Anaconda snake. I hated that dang snake!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What's Been Going On! (This is for you Dan and Staci!)

Lily right before her two month appointment. She weighed 10 pounds 1 ounce, 25%. She was 22 inches long, 50%. She is growing right before my eyes and I can't believe it. She is so big, and I love every minute with her.
Ben really wanted a picture with Lily and I just love the final product. Cheese it, Benners, cheese it! Lily in her skinny Jeans, so cute, now if I could just get back in mine;)
Poor Benner broke his leg at Grandma Elggren's on a blow up toy. It has been pretty tragic and juggling a newborn and a little cranky boy who can't walk is not something I recommend, but we are surviving! He can't get in the tub with Jack so he stands next to it and plays! Jack always goes to the bathroom right before he gets in the tub so lately Ben has been running in to the bathroom naked and peeing right on the floor next to the toilet because he can't reach the bowl. It's pretty funny. (Lots more pictures to follow, so keep scrolling down!)
This is how she sleeps every night. She always looks so pretty.
Well, Hello! Bright eyes!
Ben and Jack playing in the dirt in their pajamas.
Ben loves to play baseball. He has been going to all of Jack's games and I think he might enjoy it more than Jack. This is our "Better, Batter Baseball" and he can play with this for hours.
He has a really impressive swing. When he hits it off he runs around the whole yard like he has a "home run".
He has the cutest smile. Don't mind the no pants, it's part of his baseball uniform!
Lily and Ben. Ben Loooooooves his little sister, sometimes a little too much;)
Lily loves bath time. She totally relaxes and just enjoys it.
Those lips are sooooo kissable!
4th of July. She was so fun to show off to everyone!

Lily and her skinny jeans.
I know.....outrageously big bow!
Pretty little sleeping girl.
I love her cute shaped head.
One week old.
Anything that will keep the boys busy. Popcorn and a movie!
Look at my sweet little family. Aren't they cute?!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Lillian Grace Done

On Saturday May 29, 2010 our little Lily was born at 3:43 pm. She was a bit of a surprise, considering we weren't expecting our scheduled c-section until June 4th. I went into labor in the middle of the night and by the afternoon we had our little angel via c-section. Seriously, she is beautiful! She shocked us all by having a lot of dark hair. She weighed 6lbs 15oz and was 19.5 inches long. Luckily we were already staying in Farmington for the weekend so we didn't have the 1 hour drive to the hospital. I don't know how anyone could go through something like this and not know that their is a Heavenly Father who loves us. We couldn't be more grateful for this gift that has come straight from His arms. Being in Young Womans all I could think of when they put her in my arms was the theme that we say every week. "We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us and we love him." We are excited to get to know her and to teach her who she is. What a blessing she is, we are so grateful for her!
The very proud parents. She looks a lot like her dad and I couldn't be more pleased with that.
The day we brought her home. This dress up, bow thing couldn't be more fun! I am so grateful for my little family (not so little). Lily is so lucky to have two big brothers who love her so much! She will always have them to protect her. (scroll down for more pictures)
Ben wouldn't let go of her. He would put his arm around her and wouldn't give her up.
Look how proud Jack is. He has wanted a sister forever, and he is the best big brother.
First of many, many hugs.
The boys seeing their little sister for the first time. They loved her from the moment they saw her.
Daddy couldn't be happier with his beautiful little Lily. He picked out the bow himself.
Mommy seeing her little girl for the first time. She was beautiful.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jack's Donut

Jack loves donuts. He isn't much of a sugar boy, but he LOVES donuts. The other night I had to go to the store by myself. Jack begged me to bring him home a donut, and since he hadn't thrown a fit about not going with me, I agreed. When I got home I was done! Going to Walmart on a saturday night, not the best idea. We hurried and got the kids in bed, which made me more done! A few minutes later after I had just sat down to relax for a minute I heard Jack softly call me into his room.
"Mom, did you bring me home a donut?"
At that moment I realized that the last time I saw his donut was when the checker rang it up and I was pretty sure that she had put it on the little table for me to put it in my purse, and I hadn't. I had already put all the groceries away and I knew that it wasn't in any of the bags. I started to panic. I knew we didn't have the donut and now he was politely asking for it. I was frustrated and tired and I didn't want to deal with this at the moment.
"I don't know where it is, just don't worry about it!" I didn't say it very nice, because I knew I really didn't know what to do. I said good night and left the room. I explained to Brendan that hopefully he will have forgotten about it by morning. A few minutes later Jack softly called me back into his room.
"What Jack?" I said.
"Maybe we should say a prayer."
I started to scream inside. "you don't pray over a donut!" I didn't know how to handle this. If he said a prayer to find his donut I would have to drive back to the store (which if any of you remember, we live in Eagle Mountain.....the closest store is 12 miles away!). I told him quickly (and not very nicely) that if he wanted to pray he could, but he should also pray that he would not worry about it any more.
He jumped out of bed and said "Dear Heavenly Father please help mommy to find my donut and please help me not to worry about it. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen."
I said good night and went out into the living room to sulk and think about my drive back to walmart. I sat down for one second and a thought came to me to look in the fridge. I jumped up and told Brendan that I knew where Jack's donut was. I had to take dinner to someone the next day so I had kept all of their stuff in a bag and thrown it in the fridge. Sure enough, there was his donut. I couldn't believe it! I crept into his room. "Jack, I found your donut."
"I knew you would. Good night mommy, I love you."
" I love you too, Jack."
Oh, the faith of a child and the little faith that I had. You really can pray over things as silly as a donut. I will never forget this story, and the lesson I learned from my 5 year old.
A few minutes later I saw Jack's head poke through the doorway. "Can I have just one bite tonight?" I let him have one.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

"Look Mom, we look like you!"

Ya, I'm pretty sure they came up with this one on their own!
They both thought they were so funny, and they were so proud of themselves. There is nothing like having a 5 year old around as you get bigger and bigger. These are some of the things he has said.

"Now that you're fat........"

"Mommy what did you look like before Lily made you fat?"

He saw a V8 commercial that talked about the pounds on the scale falling off if you drink it.
"Lily should drink that so she doesn't make you so fat."

I'm sure there are a lot more to come. I usually just laugh, but sometimes I want to send him to his room. Haha I love that boy. He did tell me that it is just my tummy getting fat and not the rest of my body. I think he was trying to suck up!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Everyone Should Enjoy An Oreo Like This!

This was back in December. Ben is my little sugar boy. And this Oreo was no exception!
He was so happy.
It was everywhere, but totally worth it. (This is coming from a mother that can really get grossed out cleaning up messy food.) Isn't he cute?!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The boys Christmas morning. Jack was sick all day and night. He had just thrown up right before we went out to open presents. Please excuse the white as snow complexion. I felt so bad for him. He really did make the best of it. They were both really excited and slept in until 8:30! I don't think I have ever done that on Christmas in my life!
Ben checking out his presents. He wasn't quite sure what was going on or what he should do.
We had a wonderful Christmas. We have truly been blessed and we are so grateful for where those blessings come from. Jack it really starting to understand the two sides of Christmas and that they can really come together as one. We are so grateful for the family and friends that we had surrounding us this season. We love them all. We are grateful for Savior and for his amazing example. We hope you all had a great season.
Ben's Christmas Morning Face...Priceless! Aren't his little Jammies cute?
Jack with his loot!
Ben got this new chair. Now they both have one and hopefully they won't fight over Jack's. He was so happy!
Ben was such a happy boy on Christmas morning. He had this smile on his face the whole morning.