Sunday, October 18, 2009

Serious Rib Thingy!

Jack losing his first real tooth a few months ago. One other has fallen out since. He is so cute with a big hole in his smile.
The other day we were at Walmart looking for some t-shirts for YW when we found ourselves in the bra section. Jack turned around and saw a white bra and said, "What's that...Oh.... that's a rib thingy." As I was trying quickly to get us out of there we went around the corner and right in Jack's face, right at his level was a huge black lace bra. It kind of took him by surprise and he had to step back a little, then he said, "OHHHH that's a SERIOUS RIB THINGY!"


The Cragun's said...

Too Funny!

Kristin D. said...

He is the funniest thing. I like your idea of setting our kids up together.

Barb said...

haha! He is such a cute kid!! I love all your Jack stories.

Catey said...

That's hilarious! He cracks me up!
(thanks for coming on Sat!)

MStevenson said...


Jobi Niu said...

ha ha ha were you rolling on the ground in Wal-Mart laughing?? ha ha SOOO FUNNY!

The Pyne's said...

That is HILLARIOUS!!! and holy cow I can't believe jack has lost some teeth. I just can't believe how old/big he is. and Ruth may I say I LOVE your cute hair cut. You need to post a picture of you face on so I can see what it looks like!! Happy birthday cute boys!

Jen said...

Yes! I love the Jack stories :) How did you raise that kid to make him so funny?! I only hope my child is as fun as that :)

April Annie said...


SERIOUS rib thingy!

Marion said...

I can't wait till this kids get's his own comedy show :)

Matt and Kirsten said...

I now have a new name for the bras! that is HILLLLLLLARRIOOOUUUSSSS!!!!!!
jack will you please come visit me?

Tiffany said...

Hey.. some of us need SERIOUS rib thingy's :)